Digital Literacy Sample Resources

We use the Google suite of applications to teach digital literacy.  Here are some websites and resources I have created for my classes.

Scam Busters website

An escape room Google Sites website where digital literacy learners need to navigate safely through a number of scamming scenarios.

Matariki website

Designed a demonstration website in Google Sites to show digital literacy tauira how to integrate Google Suite apps into their sites.

Google Tools Bingo

Google Bingo game for learners to familiarise themselves with some of the Google Suite tools.

Google Apps Bingo Clues

Mucho Gusto Mexican Cantina website

A demonstration business website for tauira.

Whakapapa worksheet

An activity for online learning, as part of a delivery to primary school teachers who wanted to learn about Google Classrooms.  Created in Google Slides.

Copy of Whakapapa worksheet

Interactive drag and drop activity

Another demonstration activity for the primary school teachers group.  Created in Google Slides.

Copy of Copy of Where in Aotearoa?

Invoice for formulae practice

An activity for practicing formulae in a spreadsheet. Created in Google Sheets.

Invoice for practicing formulae

Escape Room Activity

An escape room activity for learners to practice their internet search skills.  Created in Google Forms.