Literacy Sample Resources
A Very Brief History of the English Language
Alphabet - sounding out letters
I created a book for adult literacy learners to help them understand the many influences on the English language. It explores the various settlers and invaders of England, the impact of the printing press, The Enlightenment, and borrowing of words from peoples colonised during the British Empire.
I am currently creating related activities to complement the content.
Created a booklet for a learner who is at starting points on the Adult Learning Progressions. Each letter sounded out. Also uploaded it as a video to YouTube so he could practice his phonological awareness at home.
Adult Reading Books
A reading booklet and associated worksheets for learners at starting points on the learning progressions. Designed for a practical activity where learners make nachos as part of their lesson.
I participated in a 2022 project to create a series of reading books for learners at the Adult Literacy Learning Progressions Starting Points, using the following sight words and CVC words with a short vowel sound.
I created the book and reading activities templates for myself and other kaiako to use. The illustrations for these samples were edited using Adobe Illustrator. Words outside the criteria were accompanied by an illustration showing the word in context.
Themed Workbooks
Wayfinding workbook (2020)
I co-ordinated a team of kaiako to create a wayfinding resource for intensive Literacy and Numeracy Corrections tauira (learners) during the 2020 Level 4 lockdown. In this example I have included only the resources I created for the workbook.
Tūrangawaewae workbook (2020)
Another resource for intensive Literacy and Numeracy Corrections tauira (learners) during the 2020 Level 4 lockdown. In this example I have included only the resources I created for the workbook.
Reading Activities
Job advert (2022)
A resource created for a Literacy workbook in 2022.
Solar System (2022)
A resource created for a Literacy workbook in 2022.
Reading comics (2022)
A resource created for a Literacy workbook in 2022.
Harakeke (2022)
A resource created for teaching in the classroom.