
Neurodiversity - Moodle activity


Time Management - Moodle

A module developed for my work as part of my Applied eLearning course.  The aim was to develop and deliver a kaupapa Māori eLearning course to address at least one identified soft skills professional development need for Māori health workers in the Tai Tokerau Whānau Ora Provider Network.  

Needs analysis

Kaimahi were surveyed, asking which soft skills they were interested in developing.  Some of the top responses were identified as being better addressed in kanohi ki te kanohi, rather than in a blended environment.  A elearning course on Time management was identified by senior management as an important skill for our Pihinga (cadets) who were new to the workplace.

Course design

The project followed the ADDIE method as a framework.  A course teaching and learning sequence, was developed, as this gave an outline to the activities that would take place and was an easier read for my manager (see below).  Discussion with our Director of Tikanga took place about a suitable kaupapa Māori design for the course, and as a result, karakia (blessings/prayers) and whakawhanaungatanga (building relationships) was included in the opening section.  Whakatauki (proverbs) about time were also added to each section.  A closing karakia finished the course.  Activities were designed to encourage tauira to share their ideas and understanding in a class forum, and receive feedback from the kaiako.

Time Management Teaching and Learning Sequence

Time Management teaching and learning sequence.pdf

Moodle course pages

Computer Basics - Moodle and H5P

A module developed for my work teaching digital literacy.

Course design

Moodle course example pages and activities

Security - Moodle and H5P

Another Digital Literacy module on security.  Used H5P to add an interactive branching activity

Example pages and activities

Google Forms - Articulate and Canvas

Mind map of components of overall course.

Using Google Forms for a small business

Using Google Forms is a component of a course for small business owners who want to develop their digital skills.  

Level and size

The elearning component will not be assessed against the NZQA framework.  It three hours of study and practice in length.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to:

Creating the course in Articulate Rise 360

I used Articulate Rise 360 to create the lessons and embedded it into Canvas, where learners complete the lessons and discussions.